I was considered lucky, filled up my petrol 2 days ago (both cars) 3 June 2008. Hence avoided the crowd. Here's the aftermath as taken today:
Above: V-Power Pump.
Above and below: Super and Diesel.
RM.78 per litre for petrol? RM1.00 incrase for Diesel? RM3.15 for V-power? That's a lot... Adding salt to the wound, the Cooking Gas, TNB also raised their prices. For sure "tsunami's coming". No, not the sea tsunami, I'm talking about economic tsunami. As fuel increase, so will Food & Beverage line (Include Restaurants, Hawkers, Hotels), RICE (already), Transportation line (lncluding Airlines (More fuel surcharge!), Public buses, Express buses, TAXIS). Speaking of taxis, the government better increase the taxi fares (if not 1) There'll be a PROTEST by taxi drivers, 2) Overcharging / ripping off customers will be more rampant).
BUT AND A BIG BUT... (A poem)
Our "Gaji" (Salary) is STILL THE SAME.
Our Car prices are still the same*
We still need to pay toll
But we are not on a roll.
Yet we still have to pay more
For the price of our petrol.
* = (man, why don't they consider my proposal,
Remove fuel subsidy AND remove excise duties, import duties
and sales taxes as well?). But if the Government wants to cari makan, just remove the excise duty will do. Please reconsider...
Jefflim "sigh~" out. The End. Thanks for reading this...
PS. Oh! Almost forgotten, there's "ANNUAL Subsidy Rebate" for All Petrol Passanger cars below 2000cc and Diesel SUV Below 2500cc. How much? It's RM625 only.
Does anyone knows how little is it? It's only RM12 per week. Assuming that a person paid RM86 for 45L of Fuel tank before the price hike. He/She will how have to pay RM121.50 after the price hike. Again, if he/she consumed the fuel in 1 week... Enter the "Annual Subsidy": RM12. As a result => 121.50 less 12. Still have to pay RM109.50 theoretically. This is still a FAR CRY of RM86.50 before the hike.
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