The date 13 August's a very significant date. It's World Lefthanders' day. It's also my Birthday. I was born in Pantai Medical Centre on 13 August 1979.
How I celebrate my 37th birthday? There's a saying a picture's worth 1000 words. Here are the pictorial "essay"... Enjoy...
1 day before my birthday. Gifts from My immediate family, the Card's hand made by my elder sister while the Angpows were from my Mum, 1st auntie, 3rd auntie.
Above and below: 1 week before my birthday. Early birthday gift from a fan of mine. Content producer of Car Malaysia.
Above: the Gift from Jerrica.
Above and below: Screenshots from my Iphone 5.
Above: and below: at 10:30am went to DUMC for their Christmas Production Briefing. I was involved in Props team.
Above: My FREE Chatime birthday drink. Below: My free Cake from Starbucks.
Chocolate Tuxedo and Mango Fruit Jelly Yogurt.
From 3pm to 6:30pm. I went to Neo Damansara, Mustapha Kamal Hall. #SMDUclassof96 reunion. 20th year anniversary reunion. I actually left the school in the middle of Form 4 Balau (August 1995) to Hong Kong. Spent my last 4 years of High school in Island School Hong Kong. Did GCSE O'level and A-levels in Hong Kong. Reason's because my dad transferred by a Foreign bank from KL to Hong Kong HQ.
Above: The Icebreaker Prize I won.
Above and below: Scenes from the reunion...
Above: The Lucky Draw prize which I won.
After the High school reunion, I went home for Family birthday dinner while my Ex-school mates went to pub for Round 2. Here are the dinner photos:
Above: From my Youngest sister...
Above: Home cooked noodles by mum.
Above and below: Takeaway from a Vegetarian Restaurant
Above: Another dish takeaway from a Vegetarian restaurant in Section 17, PJ.
Above: My Cake. Blueberry Cheese Cake from Secret Recipe.
Above: Me and my immediate family members. Dad not in picture as he's still in Saigon, Vietnam.
Above: How the dishes gelled together...
Above and Below: My Gifts as at end of 13 August.
Lastly, my 95 years old Paternal Granny.
Well, 6 days after my birthday on 19 August, my cell group gave me and another August Baby Regina a birthday cake and gifts...
Above: My gift which I forgotten to take home 1 hr later.
That's all folks, thanks for having the time and patience to read this blog entry. If want to copy please quote "SOURCE: Otoreview" OR "Source from Jeff Lim blog", Or give credits/links to my blog. Copy like a man, Don't plagiarise.