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Showing posts with label Smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smoking. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Smoking is bad for your car resale value

Smoking is bad for your car resale value

LONDON: Drivers who smoke, take note. An auction company says motorists who has smoked in their vehicle over a period of time will see a serious dent in the value of the car when they come to sell. 

“The British Medical Association has highlighted research showing the levels of toxins in a car can be up to 23 times higher than in a smoky bar”, said Tim Naylor of British Car Auctions (BCA).  

“But if drivers aren’t motivated by the health of their passengers, perhaps they will be by the diminishing health of their finances.  Lighting up inside a car seriously devalues the vehicle for resale.

“Our research shows that presentation is one of the top factors influencing the price of used cars.   So if a car is more like an ashtray on wheels, chances are buyers will move on to find one that looks and smells fresh as a daisy.”

Professional valeting can alleviate most of the effects of smoking, but is expensive and time consuming and might mean replacing some interior trim, such as nicotine-stained headlinings.

“Motorists should avoid having a cigarette in their car, especially if they intend to sell it in the near future," said Naylor.

"This will avoid the lingering smell of cigarettes in the interior, as well as eliminate the risk of scorch marks on the upholstery or dash. All of these things will put buyers off, even if they smoke themselves.”


JEFF's (My) Opinion: Try NOT TO SMOKE in Your Car unless you planned to Keep your car for >10 years.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't HIRE Chain Smokers! Why? Read on...

Don't HIRE Chain Smokers! Why? Read on...

To all Human Resources/Headhunters, DO NOT HIRE CHAIN SMOKERS.  Why?  Read on:

Based on my Today's 1st hand experience (SEEN WITH MY OWN EYE!), here's why Chain smokers' shouldn't be HIRED.

A Chain smoker (my personal definition, anyone smoking more than 50 sticks a day, ie. 2 1/2 KING SIZE packs of ciggies) smokes every 15 minutes on average.  Every 15 minutes, he/she'll take 5 minutes so called Cigarette break.  This means 15 minutes per hour wasted (ciggie break remember?).  Now, an average working hours is 9 hours.  Multiply 15 minutes with  9 hours you'll get 135 minutes CIGARETTE BREAKS per day!  SHOCKING AIN'T IT?

(ADDED15/10/10) Also, 2 weeks ago, when I send my Honda to Sumber Auto Edaran for service, I saw 3 Sales Representative smoking outside the Showroom entrance.  TWO Guys and 1 Girl.  I thought they were "Ambassadors" of Honda Brand?  Why on earth they chose to SMOKE OUTSIDE the Showroom?  Image gone down the drain.  It's NOT EVEN LUNCH BREAK.  It's just 11am!

Yesterday, I went to Hong Leong Bank SS2 to enquire about my Housing Loan.  The Bank officer who attended to me is quite friendly and orderly.  BUT his IMAGE gone down the drain when I spotted HIM Smoking outside the bank 5 minutes later.  The time?  Again, 11am.  NOT EVEN LUNCH BREAK!  What a shame! (end of update 15/10/10)

How to spot CHAIN SMOKERS:
1) Look at their Fingers (2nd and middle), gray/black = CHAIN SMOKER
2) Look at their teeth and lips.  Black teeth/lips = CHAIN SMOKER
3) Keep him in the room for AT LEAST 40 minutes.  A Chain smoker will feel Sleepy, Tensed up, agitated, uneasy as he/she needs to smoke every 15 to 30 minutes.
4) A Chain Smoker's body and breath got STRONG Nicotine Smell.  It's so bad that you'll smell Cigarettes as you walked past them.
5) Some Chain Smokers have perpetual Coughs every 10 to 30 minutes.


That's all folks, thanks for having time and patience to read this blog entry.  An original  Jeff Lim's production.  

Thursday, April 15, 2010

ARTICLE: Cigarettes may contain pig blood!

To ALL Muslims smokers, this article might help you to do a double take on Smoking...   -trying to refrain from Laughing Out Loud-

Article Source:

Cigarettes may contain pig blood

CIGARETTES may contain traces of pigs' blood, an Australian academic says with a warning that religious groups could find its undisclosed presence "very offensive".

University of Sydney Professor in Public Health Simon Chapman points to recent Dutch research which identified 185 different industrial uses of a pig - including the use of its haemoglobin in cigarette filters.

Prof Chapman said the research offered an insight into the otherwise secretive world of cigarette manufacture, and it was likely to raise concerns for devout Muslims and Jews.

Religious texts at the core of both of these faiths specifically ban the consumption of pork.

"I think that there would be some particularly devout groups who would find the idea that there were pig products in cigarettes to be very offensive," Prof Chapman said today.

"The Jewish community certainly takes these matters extremely seriously and the Islamic community certainly do as well, as would many vegetarians.

"It just puts into hard relief the problem that the tobacco industry is not required to declare the ingredients of cigarettes ... they say 'that's our business' and a trade secret."

The Dutch research found pig haemoglobin - a blood protein - was being used to make cigarette filters more effective at trapping harmful chemicals before they could enter a smoker's lungs.

Prof Chapman said while tobacco companies had moved voluntarily list the contents of their products on their websites, they also noted undisclosed "processing aids ... that are not significantly present in, and do not functionally affect, the finished product".

This catch-all term hid from public view an array of chemicals and other substances used in the making of tobacco products, he said.

At least one cigarette brand sold in Greece was confirmed as using pig haemoglobin in its processes, Prof Chapman said, and the status of smokes sold was unknown.

"If you're a smoker and you're of Islamic or Jewish faith then you'd probably would want to know and there is no way of finding out," Prof Chapman said.

The Sydney office of British American Tobacco Australia was contacted by AAP.

A spokeswoman said a comment would be provided although it was not immediately available.

That's all folks, thanks for having the time and patience to read this article...

Monday, June 01, 2009

WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY Ended... Anyone really "Stop" smoking for a day?

As per title, anyone REALLY2 "Stop" smoking today? Or better still, Anyone mamaged to QUIT smoking?

Another Scenario, this time a Chain smoker with 4 packs a day => RM36.00 per day => RM1080 a month!!! Wow, can use to pay monthly installment on a new or used car worth RM100,000! (RM10,000 deposit, 3.5% interest for 9 years, RM1080 per month). Or better still, can pay for a HOUSE installments!!!

Thank GOD I DON'T SMOKE... Man, it'll REALLY x2 burn a hole in my Pocket.

Friday, May 29, 2009

31 May - World No Tobacco Day

Friday, May 29, 2009

31 May - World No Tobacco Day

This 31st May, world will be celebrating No Tobacco Day. The theme of this year celebration is 'Tobacco Health Warnings'.

So to all smoker in this world, please put all your cigarette away on this 31st May. Better still if you can stop smoking for your own good and to people around you. Smoking is just wasting your money. [Eg. 2 packs a day @ RM9.00 per pack = 18.00 per day => RM540 A MONTH!!! WAH! RM540 is A LOT OF MONEY! Can use the Money to pay for Car Installments. Can borrow for a car worth RM50,000+/- (9 years, 10k d/p, 3.5% interest, RM540 per month...)]

In addition, it deteriorate your health at faster rate.

For more info please visit this link:

My Health Portal

Info Sihat

My Health Portal

SOURCE: Zuhrizad's blog... [EXCEPT the CALCULATION which is Jeff's original]